ARL Weekly News – April 6, 2018

ARL Weekly News – April 6, 2018 ATDD Temple Lee, Randy White, and Michael Buban conducted an outreach activity on 28 March for over 100 sixth grade earth science students from Rockwood Middle School in Rockwood, TN. Randy showed and discussed many of the weather instruments used in the field, and Temple and Michael performed…

ARL Weekly News – March 30, 2018

ARL Weekly News – March 30, 2018 HQ Xinrong Ren and a few researchers from University of Maryland conducted two research flights over New York City on March 26, in collaboration with a research group from NOAA/ESRL/CSD who have been measuring volatile organic compounds using a mobile lab in New York City and its surrounding…

ARL Weekly News – March 23, 2018

ARL Weekly News – March 23, 2018 ATDD LaToya Myles served as an invited speaker and panelist at the 9th Biennial NOAA Education and Science Forum at Howard University on March 18-21. This year’s theme was “Partnering with Academia to Prepare Highly Skilled and Diverse Candidates for NOAA’s STEM Workforce: Building Successful Educational and Research…

ARL Weekly News – March 16, 2018

ARL Weekly News – March 16, 2018 FRD The manuscript “Plume Dispersion in Low-Wind-Speed Conditions During Project Sagebrush Phase 2, with Emphasis on Concentration Variability” authored by Dennis Finn, Roger Carter, Richard Eckman, Jason Rich, Z. Gao, and H. Liu has been accepted for publication in Boundary-Layer Meteorology pending final edits. Staff at the Department…

ARL Weekly News – March 9, 2018

ARL Weekly News – March 9, 2018 HQ Xinrong Ren, Paul Kelley, and Winston Luke traveled to Essex, Maryland to assess a site on Hart-Miller Island at which ARL will install a variety of trace gas sensors for air chemistry, mercury, and greenhouse gases as part of the upcoming Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study 2…

ARL Weekly News – March 2, 2018

ARL Weekly News – March 2, 2018 HQ Drs. Rick Saylor and Pius Lee were invited to lead editing a special issue in Atmosphere, a well-known online journal in air chemistry and atmosphere’s forcing by surface and radiation. Their special issue has concluded with publication of 13 articles including an editorial by Lee and Saylor:…

ARL Weekly News – February 23, 2018

HQ “Global sensitivity analysis of GEOS-Chem modeled ozone and hydrogen oxides during the INTEX campaigns” [DOI: 10.5194/acp-18-2443-2018], by Kenneth E. Christian, William H. Brune, Jingqiu Mao, and Xinrong Ren was published February 19, 2018 in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics​. This paper applies a global sensitivity method to the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model to find the…

ARL Weekly News – February 16, 2018

HQ Dr. Ariel Stein is an invited speaker for the NOAA Educational Partnership Program’s upcoming 9th Biennial Education and Science Forum, during which Mark Cohen and Alice Crawford will be providing HYSPLIT tutorial. Scheduled from March 18-21, 2018 and hosted by Howard University and NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (NCAS-M), the…

ARL Weekly News – February 9, 2018

HQ Alice Crawford added capability to the, which automates the retrieval of the ERA5 grib files for conversion to ARL format. The program can now download ERA5 ensemble of data assimilations (ERA5 EDA) for use with HYSPLIT. The ERA5 EDA has 62 km global resolution and 3 hourly analysis fields. There are 10…

ARL Weekly News – February 2, 2018

HQ Dr. Ariel Stein participated as an invited lecturer of the Master Interunivesitario en Ingenieria Ambiental, teaching the graduate course entitled “Contamination Atmosferica: Origen, Tratamiento y Control” at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucia in Huelva, Spain. This graduate course is considered one of the top courses in Spain regarding environmental pollution and air quality. The…