ARL Weekly News – February 12, 2021

ARL Weekly News – February 12, 2021 Recent Events LaToya Myles Appointed Director LaToya Myles, Ph.D. is now the permanent Director and Supervisory Scientist of the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division (ATDD) of NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory.  Her research career at NOAA has been focused on understanding the science of atmospheric chemistry and its effects on…


ARL Weekly News – February 5, 2021

ARL Weekly News – February 5, 2021 Recent Events JHU Class Focusses on Atmospheric Mercury Mark Cohen will give a 2-hour invited lecture on “Atmospheric Mercury” in a doctoral course at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on Feb 9, 2021. The lecture will include atmospheric fate and transport, emissions, source-receptor relationships, modeling, and measurements. The course…


ARL Weekly News – January 29, 2021

ARL Weekly News – January 29, 2021 Recent Events Media interviews Nebila Lichiheb was on an ORAU podcast about her intelligence community fellowship this past year. Link to follow when available. Praveena Krishnan was interviewed by WVLT-TV (Knoxville’s CBS affiliate) about her NSF Polar Studies grant. Link to follow when available. Recent Publications by ARL …


ARL Weekly News – January 22, 2021

ARL Weekly News – January 22, 2021 Recent Events HYSPLIT accomplishments and use cases in 2020 highlighted. The versatility of HYSPLIT has been demonstrated in scenarios ranging from prescribed forest burns to chemical plants explosions and volcanic eruptions. Some more memorable use cases from 2020 are described here: HYSPLIT Accomplishments and Notable Use Cases in…


ARL Weekly News – January 8, 2021

ARL Weekly News – January 8, 2021 Upcoming Events. AMS Conference begins Virtually. The AMS Conference begins Jan 11, 2021 with substantial ARL’s participation in the meeting.  Some of the ARL contributions and papers are covered in more detail here: Diamond to Chair AMS Committee on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Southern Hemisphere Dr.…
