ARL Weekly News – September 25, 2020

ARL Weekly News – September 25, 2020 Recent Events Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Upgrade Includes FV3 Dynamical Core NOAA’s Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) was upgraded on September 23, 2020 by the National Weather Service.  GEFSv12 now uses the Finite-Volume Cubed Sphere (FV3) dynamical core and includes an ensemble member that deterministically predicts global…


ARL Weekly News – September 11, 2020

ARL Weekly News – September 11, 2020. Recent Events Invited HYSPLIT Lecture. Mark Cohen gave an invited lecture to an undergraduate course at the University of Maryland introducing the HYSPLIT model. The course, FIRE-298, Sustainability Analytics, taught by Professor Thanicha Ruangmas, is part of the FIRE (First-Year Innovation & Research Experience) program.  Slides from the lecture, An…


ARL Weekly News – August 28, 2020

ARL Weekly News – August 28, 2020 Recent Events Methane Inventory in Maryland. On August 25, Xinrong Ren attended a virtual meeting on Methane Inventory Enhancement Partnership with Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) and University of Maryland (UMD).  In the meeting, Xinrong and his colleagues at UMD provided MDE policy-relevant scientific information based on published aircraft…


ARL Weekly News – August 21, 2020

ARL Weekly News – August 21, 2020 Recent Accomplishments ATDD Resumes Vertical Profile Flights. ATDD resumed flights with its small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) at Oliver Springs. Eight flights were performed, each on 20 and 21 August between 0700 EDT and 1030 EDT, sampling temperature, moisture, and wind fields between the surface and about 700 m…


ARL Weekly News – August 14, 2020

ARL Weekly News – August 14, 2020. Recent Events.  NOAA Leadership Seminar Dr. LaToya Myles will deliver an invited presentation during the 2020 Virtual NOAA Leadership Seminar (NLS).  Her presentation entitled Adjusting the Sails: Creativity and Flexibility in Times of Change is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19 at 4:00 pm ET. She was a member of the 2019…


ARL Weekly News – August 7, 2020

ARL Weekly News – August 7, 2020 Recent Events NOAA Lapenta Interns Complete Summer Experience. Leah Hopson gave a presentation at the William M. Lapenta Internship Presentation Workshop on 6 August 2020. The title of her talk was “Using a Tracer of Opportunity Dataset to Evaluate the HYSPLIT Model”. Leah is a rising senior at University of…
