ARL News

Death of Tim Crawford


August 7, 2002

Tim Crawford died on Saturday, 3 August, 2002, while conducting a low-level flux run for a collaborative Navy/NOAA research program, being conducted over the sea south of Cape Cod. The Long-EZ aircraft was wrecked.

It is now known that the cause of Tim’s death was a massive stroke, which precipitated the Long-EZ crash. According to the coroner, this could have happened at any time, whether in the air or on the ground.

We are all in mourning and shock that a courageous and energetic leader has been so suddenly taken from us. But we are taking some solace in the fact that Tim’s safety record remains intact. He was very meticulous in establishing and following safety protocols and insisted that all of his colleagues do the same.

A scholarship fund has been established in Tim’s memory. Donations can be made to the FRD Employees Association in care of the ARL office in Idaho Falls (1750 Foote Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83402). Please note on the tag line “Tim Crawford Scholarship Fund.”