ARL News
Dust storm model successfully tested for recent Asian storms
May 3, 2002
An operational version of the dust model previously developed by ARL for application in the middle east has been tested for use in Asia, for two different ten day simulations – a dust event in April 2001 and a second in March 2002. Shown in the animation are the daily model particle positions at 0600 UTC superimposed over the TOMS aerosol index for that day. The occurrence of the dust storm was forecast, as well as the plume dispersion. Resuspension of surface dust was forecast automatically during the period based upon land-use information and friction velocity data derived from weather forecasts. Satellite and model results may not always correspond due to errors in the model simulation as well as the fact that the TOMS data may be affected by clouds and tend to be more representative of dust at higher levels in the atmosphere rather than near the ground. However, regardless of the caveats, the match between model results and measurements is at times quite striking, especially for the event of April 2001 as the dust cloud moved across the Pacific.
Additional information: HYSPLIT