ARL News
Proposed Study Of Dispersion Near the Pentagon
February 23, 2004
Several ARL groups have been called on to assist in a DOD study of dispersion near the Pentagon. The Idaho Falls divison of ARL has been asked to conduct a tracer experiment, starting 1 May 2004. Small quantities of sulfur hexafluoride will be released upwind of the Pentagon complex. The locations for release and for the collection of samples have yet to be determined. Support for this will come from the Department of Defense.
The Oak Ridge group is being encouraged to complete the installation of DCNet towers at the Pentagon. Installation had been delayed while final paperwork remained to be completed. Installation during March is now expected. This installation will be supported by NOAA and the Department of Energy.
The Research Triangle Park division of ARL will be refining its plans for wind tunnel studies. Instead of an immediate focus on downtown DC, the first area to be studied will now be the Pentagon. This part of the program will be supported by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The overall program is part of a DARPA effort to improve the ability to forecast dispersion around and into the Pentagon. The study involves a number of other research groups, including NCAR and the Army (Dugway).