ARL Collaborates with NOAA’s Web Operations Center on HYSPLIT Roll Out

May, 2012
ARL collaborated with the NOAA Web Operations Center (WOC) to deploy the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) transport and dispersion model to the WOC as a major part of the operational plume prediction system. This new deployment of HYSPLIT is designed primarily for access by Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) and other vested parties. The system permits a user to enter specific chemical and radiological sources and returns output showing concentration thresholds of concern to emergency responders. Plume trajectories, concentration, deposition, and other levels of concern are provided by the system in various formats including map overlays.

Background: The HYSPLIT web site, which the WFOs use to run the model for local dispersion emergency events in their area, had been made available via the ARL web server. Since the ARL server is not an operational system, efforts were made to port the specialized HYSPLIT to the WOC server so that the WFOs would have a 24/7 supported system.

Significance: The accidental or intentional release of chemical, biological or nuclear agents can have significant health, safety, security, economic, and ecological implications. ARL’s HYSPLIT model is an atmospheric plume prediction tool that helps explain how, when, and where chemicals and materials are atmospherically released, transported, dispersed, and deposited. Having this understanding is essential for responding appropriately and preventing disaster.