Two ARL Scientists to Speak at UMBC’s Earth Day Symposium

April 2018

Drs. Pius Lee and Christopher Loughner will speak at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s (UMBC) Atmospheric Physics 2nd Earth Day Symposium on April 20, 2018. Both were invited to present at this event, which was specifically designed to expose UMBC students to research opportunities within the Atmospheric Physics program and promote collaboration with the wider scientific community. Dr. Lee will address air chemistry in the Baltimore/Washington area and Dr. Loughner will discuss the benefit of historical air pollution emissions reductions on human health.

Post-event update: Photos of Drs. Lee and Loughner appear below, along with their official presentation titles.

Dr. Lee presenting

Dr. Lee presents “Challenge of air quality forecasting for Baltimore and coastal places downwind of large emissions.” Credit: NOAA

Dr. Loughner presenting

Dr. Loughner presents “Impact of historical air pollution emission reductions on human health during extreme heat.” Credit: NOAA