Multiple Trajectory Starting Locations
After choosing the meteorological data set, the first menu (below) gives the
user the option of computing trajectories from 1, 2 or 3 different starting locations. Choosing
more than one can be useful if more than one trajectory is needed to be plotted on the same
map. The only limitation is that the starting heights (up to 3) must be the same for each
Trajectory Restart Option

Normally trajectories are started only at the initial
time at the locations and heights specified by the user. However, by entering
a value (hours) in the Start a new trajectory every field,
trajectories can be started at regular time intervals from the same location.
At this time, a maximum of 24 trajectories for a total of 48 hours duration are allowed
on HYSPLIT-WEB due to the resources needed to compute these trajectories.
To demonstrate this feature see Example 4 Powerpoint (Ex4_hysplit.ppt)]
change the restart interval to 3
and leave all the other parameters the same as in the original 700 hPa
isobaric trajectory, i.e.,
- NAM 40 km
- source location: 46N, 68W(Maine)
- Start a new trajectory every: 3 hours
- starting height: 2500 m
- vertical motion method: isobaric
- duration: 84 hrs
- vertical plot height unit: Pressure
- Use current GFS forecast if trajectory runs off current grid
The resulting trajectory graphic (above) shows new trajectories starting every
3 hours, terminating at the end of 48 hours. Trajectories starting after the initial
time will have a shorter duration. In PC HYSPLIT all trajectories can be set to have
the same duration or run for more than 48 hours.
Trajectory Matrix Option
Although HYSPLIT-WEB can be used to configure only up to 3 starting
locations, the model can support an unlimited number of locations.
HYSPLIT-WEB and PC HYSPLIT have a shortcut method to configure a regular matrix
of locations by defining three points, representing the lower left,
upper right, and location increment. HYSPLIT-WEB does have a limitation of
125 starting locations which represents about a 11x11 lat/lon grid with a
1 degree horizontal spacing.
Trajectory Matrix Example
For this example see Example 5 Powerpoint (Ex5_hysplit.ppt)
After choosing a Matrix run and clicking
Next, a menu for entering the 3 matrix starting locations will
be presented (right). Other than entering 3 locations the rest of the
configuration is similar to a normal trajectory computation except that the locations
defined by the matrix grid will be calculated and written to the
CONTROL file before
executing the run. Rerun the 700 hPa isobaric case again but change the Total run
time to 24 hours and choose the 3 source locations as shown
to the right (42.0,-72.0), (50.0,-64.0) and
(44.0,-70.0). This configuration
will produce 25 starting locations separated by 2 degrees of latitude (~222 km). Also,
set the restart interval back to 0 if it is not 0.

- NAM 40 km
- Matrix
- starting location 1: 42.0N, 72.0W
- starting location 2: 50.0N, 64.0W
- starting location 3: 44.0N, 70.0W
- starting height: 2500 m
- vertical motion method: isobaric
- duration: 24 hrs
- vertical plot height unit: Pressure
- Use current GFS forecast if trajectory runs off current grid
The resulting graphic (right) shows the matrix of 24-h duration
isobaric trajectories. Again there is very little differences noted between the
trajectories indicating small temporal and spatial differences in the meteorology
in this region. Note that we are using spatial and temporal
offsets to get at trajectory error or in this case sensitivity to the meteorological data.
Trajectory Ensemble Option
Frequently it is necessary to attribute a pollutant measurement to a specific source
location. One approach is to compute a backward trajectory to determine the air’s origin.
Although it is not uncommon to see sources identified by a single trajectory, the
uncertainties inherent in a single-trajectory can preempt its utility. One way to reduce
those uncertainties would be to compute multiple trajectories, in height, time, and space.
HYSPLIT can be configured to automatically run trajectories in an ensemble fashion from the
chosen starting location. Each member of the trajectory ensemble is calculated by
offsetting the meteorological data by a fixed grid factor (HYSPLIT-WEB assumes one
meteorological grid point in the horizontal and 0.01 sigma units in the vertical). This
results in 27 members for all-possible offsets in X,Y, and Z. Note: the starting height
should be greater than 250 m for optimal configuration of the ensemble.
Trajectory Ensemble Example
For this example see Example 6 Powerpoint (Ex6_hysplit.ppt)
For this example choose:
- NAM 40 km
- Ensemble
- starting location: 40.0N, 85.0W
- Backward
- starting date/time: December 23 at 0000 UTC
- starting height: 750 MAGL
The resulting plot (right) shows that 3 different paths are possible depending
on the selected location in X, Y, and Z. This method gives the user a
sense of the sensitivity of the chosen starting location within the meteorological
grid as well as an "envelope" of the uncertainty about the single trajectory result.